Chemicals / Packing Plant Products

We have been concerned with providing products of the highest quality that exist in the market and always thinking of obtaining the best possible benefit from them.


It is a product developed technically that prevents the adhesion of latex to the banana peel when selected in the packing plants, obtaining a fruit with greater cleanliness and highlighting the freshness of its natural color. Thanks to its formulation, our product instantly produces a dispersive effect of latex, eliminating its adhesive power and leaving the banana ready for fungicide treatment.


  • It produces a solubilizing effect of latex in water so that it loses its adhesive property and is distributed in the form of a suspension of small grumes, which do not present any problem for its elimination.
  • It allows to wash the fruits to which they have adhered soil and other impurities.
  • Given its formulation, it guarantees a neutral pH to the system and the total absence of any toxic agent.
  •  By dispersing the latex and eliminating its adhesive action, it provides greater working comfort for the staff by
  • preventing the accumulation of it in their hands and arms.



It is an advanced ecological product, developed with the aim of eliminating old formulations for cleaning latex and any other type of dirt or grease. Traditional formulas use aliphatic solvents, aromatic solvents, strongly alkaline or acidic products; which have a detrimental effect on the environment.

It meets the necessary properties to be used safely in any of the operations related to harvesting, washing, selection and packaging of fruits. In addition, it can be used in the workshop as an excellent synthetic, vegetable and animal grease remover.


  •  Being formulated based on d-Limonene, it has an extraordinary cleansing and degreasing power of Natural origin.
  •  It is not toxic
  • It has no corrosive ingredients
  • It is 100% biodegradable
  • It has no solvents of any kind in its formula
  • Eliminates the latex adhered to equipment and surfaces in the packing plant, such as piles, bands, rollers and
  • trays.
  • Given its composition, it ensures that the product is completely removed when washing without leaving any
  • residue or giving any problem for wastewater.
  • It has a light citrus smell which eliminates the inconvenience of applying traditional products.
  • Being an environment friendly product, it allows it to be used in companies certified with ISO 14000/14001 or
  • any equivalent international certification.
  • It can be used without problem in organic farming as it meets the requirements of OMRI.