Packing Plant Products

We offer conveyor systems or roller conveyors for the manual handling of products to be transported. The different widths and materials allow us to offer everything that the fruit packers require for greater worker comfort and greater efficiency in their work with the best protection for the product to be transported in the plant.

We supply the following products:

 PlasticrollersinP.V.C.calibrated,whiteorgray.E.D:1-1/3″I.D:1-1/2”withthewidthrequiredbythecustomer.
 Hexagonal shafts 7/16” in aluminum with their respective notches so as not to allow the roller to move out of

the frames.
 Aluminum frames with 3-1/2 ” and 3″ high with hexagonal perforations, hooks to hold the following frames. All

frame has 10 feet long. (3 meters)
 Aluminumseparatorswiththreadononesideandhexagonalheadontheother,makinganeasierassemblyof

the sections.
 Aluminum or iron springs according to the client’s choice to allow to yield when assembling the rollers in the

frame and then fasten them, so that the shafts do not leave the roller.

And all bearing systems, with aluminum and galvanized iron frames with the roller also in aluminum, galvanized iron and high strength polyvinyl chloride with rollers from 10 “to 28” wide. The bearings can be made of high density polypropylene, with stainless steel balls, 7/16 “aluminum shafts with springs and rollers separated 4 1/2” between centers mounted high in corrugated frames with all the thymes, nuts, hooks and connecting bars made of galvanized steel and sections of hooks and coupling bars.